Category: Literary Fiction Reviews

A review of Manhattan Monologues by Louis Auchincloss

Auchincloss is an inheritor of the territory once handled by Henry James and Edith Wharton, territory that is sometimes dismissed without the understanding that it remains an important literary and social realm. Marginally observed, the rich are rarely discussed with…

A review of Father Lands by Emily Ballou

Throughout the book, the intensity of the emotions are coupled with the tight ‘coming of age’ plot and the very rich details which strongly evoke Milwaukee Wisconsin in the 1970s. Ballou is a poet and her writing is strongly poetic,…

A review of Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh

Despite the handicap noted above, I had the delightful experience of having the book “catch” for me on the plane. I don’t know about other readers, but with me this is almost never a gradual process. One minute I am dutifully reading along, wondering if the book at hand is really worth the effort; then all of a sudden I realize that I am immersed in the novel and would not even think of stopping.

Zero decibels Quiet: Simone Lazaroo’s The Australian Fiance

The Australian Fiance is a deeply moving novel. Not so much because of its story, which has moments of intensity, but is primarily, a simple story of love and loss. Rather, it is the exquisite language, the poetic transcendence affected by Lazaroo’s narrative which draws the reader into the character of the Eurasian woman, submerged with her, until we are also nameless, nationless, simultaneously guilty and innocent, soft and hard, lost and found.