Scriptwriters need to seriously ponder a common mistake made by those taking favored books to screen; the fatal error of assuming that everyone in thetheater has already read the book. In the case of Don’t Say a Word those that have read…
A Philosophical Examination of the film Shattered
Such is the stuff of our nightmares – body snatching, demonic possession, waking up in a strange place, not knowing who we are. Without a continuous personal history – we are not. It is what binds our various bodies, states…
A Review of the film Black Beauty (from the novel by Anna Sewell)
“Black Beauty” is quite a good family film. As a mother, I enjoy watching films with my daughter where I’m not compelled to flee the room after 10 minutes. The scenery is breathtaking, the horses gorgeous, the majority of the…
Interview with Robyn Vickers-Willis
The author of Women Navigating Midlife talks about her book, about the changes which women go through at midlife, about Jungian psychology, how couples can work through their midlife changes together, about revealing herself in her books, and her next book. Interview…
A Review of Interviewing, by Gail Sedorkin and Judy McGregor
The book is full of some really useful information and tips, which even experienced interviewers will find helpful, such as making sure you ask the “Who Cares” question – eg who is affected, etc. and making sure that you don’t…
Interview with Gail Sedorkin
The Author of Interviewing: A Guide for Journalists and Writers talks about the different types of interviewing, interviewing heroes, the best interview she ever did, her own horror stories, her next book, and more.
A Review of the film The Mothman Prophecies
“The Mothman Prophecies” has nothing but a mish-mash of imageries, a story that never can quite decide where it’s going, underused actresses, and the irritant Gere himself to it’s credit. All you want after seeing this film, is to write…
A Review of The Time Machine (From the book by HG Wells)
A Review of The Time Machine (From the book by HG Wells) The Time Machine (based on HG Wells’ novel of the same name) is the story Columbia University physics professor, Alexander Cartegen. one night, after proposing to his girlfriend,…
A Review of Blackhawk Down (based on the book by Mark Bowden)
Blackhawk Down focuses on the story of a group of young American soldiers in Somalia in 1992. They are sent on an “easy mission, to capture dignitaries of the Somalia militia”, assured the entire job won’t take more than an hour,…
A Review of Queen of the Damned (From the Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice)
A Review of Queen of the Damned (From the Vampire Chronicles by Anne Rice) Queen of the Damned possesses none of the originality of Interview With the Vampire. In Interview, death scenes were handled with taste and delicacy. In Queen…