Category: Non fiction reviews

A review of Stress Free Foods by Lee Gold

According to nutritionist/chef/home economist Lee Gold prolonged stress can lead to significant health problems from heart disease to stroke, ulcers, depression, cancer, diabetes, and more. It is a vicious cycle. The more stressed you get, the more you will develop…

A review of The ABCs of Writing For Children

If you are a writer or illustrator of childrens’ books, or want to be, Koehler-Pentacoff’s book is really a must read. This is no didactic guide from a world weary author, but instead, is a series of questions and answers…

A review of Write to Publish by Christopher Klim

For beginning writers, or young people wanting to take their work to the next level–including publication–Write to Publish will be helpful in both a practical sense, as well as inspirational, without suggesting that writers try to run before they can…

A review of Can Poetry Matter By Dana Gioia

The reader will not need to agree with Gioia to enjoy this book. It constitutes by the nature of its subject a wandering into both the unknown and the unknowable. But Gioia seldom goes so far into speculation that he…

A review of Fresh Milk by Fiona Giles

For those of us who have experienced the sensual, emotional, and intense power of being able to feed our children for extended periods, there are many chapters in this book which will resonate. Those who haven’t probably won’t be interested.…

A review of Gabriel Gate’s Guide to Everyday Cooking

Guide to Everyday Cooking is an all-inclusive primer, with over 200 dishes and lots of information on techniques, ingredients, and kitchen help. As with all of Gate’s books, the focus is on using the freshest and best quality ingredients you can…

A review of The Portable Writer’s Conference

Like a writer’s conference, there are lots of different self contained mini-courses or topics presented by experts in their fields – 45 in all. Also like a writer’s conference you can pick and choose what topics are relevant to you…

A review of Promote Like a Pro

There are quite a few books on the market which cover promotional skills, and how to handle the media, but Linda Radke’s Promote Like a Pro was specifically written for authors. It is a complete guide to obtaining serious and very low…