Category: Non fiction reviews

A review of Writing.Com by Moira Anderson Allen is a very well paced, clearly written and nicely organised reference book which writers will find significantly more useful than any Dummies guide or technical manual. While no single book could cover everything that the Internet has to offer…

A review of Eats, Shoots & Leaves by Lynne Truss

This book will make the pedant, or “stickler” feel good about themselves. The rest of us will probably agree with most of what Truss writes, enjoy this book for its good natured, light hearted banter, and often hysterical examples, and…

A review of Mouse or Rat by Umberto Eco

Serious enough to engage its target audience of translation students, but entertaining and broadly focused enough to also interest the serious reader, this is a book which belongs on the bookshelf of anyone who is interested in the creation of…

A review of Advanced Writing by Wells Earl Draughon

Throughout Advanced Writing, author Wells Earl Draughon is careful to define his terms, and uses his close analysis of words normally used to designate the tools of fiction – things like dynamics, consummation scenes, character appeal, architecture, and setting as…