
A review of Voyage to the Sun by Ruth Ann Oskolkoff

There are some cultural barriers to be overcome to understand Taoism, the moral way. It is difficult to grasp, the essense is too good to be true, and coming to practicing Tao it is difficult. With such hurdles, thinking about bringing these philosophical values to the level where a child could understand and accept it, is indeed a daunting task.

A review of Take Me With You Next Time by Janis Hubchman

Hubschman has a close style with a mixture of tenses, one that always stays close to the mind of the woman whose story this is. She tends to chew to the pith with brief character descriptions: “…Nina was at least a half-foot taller than Joy with dark cropped hair and fashionable chunky-framed glasses”.

A review of Fog & Car by Eugene Lim

Eugene Lim has buried a layer of magic deep below the surface of the early chapters and it rises slowly as the narrative progresses. When it finally surfaces on the page, it shimmers along the edges of Sarah and Jim’s lives, turning the banal into the weird and supernatural.


We have a copy of A Golden Life by Ginny Kubitz Moyerto give away!

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A review of Girl at the End of the World by Erin Carlyle

Each poem serves as a poignant vignette, exploring themes of opioid addiction, childhood, familial relationships, broader environmental grief, and the struggle for survival. Carlyle skillfully captures the disorienting experience of losing a complicated father to addiction while the world itself seems to be unraveling.