Interview with Megan Futcher

Do you have any strange writing habits?

I find I do my best writing in the morning just as I’ve woken with my trusty sidekicks – a cup of tea and the Game of Thrones soundtrack.

Are you a plotter or a pantser?

I’m definitely a plotter when it comes time to doing things like world building and story plotting but I’m also a bit of a pantser. I really enjoy seeing where my characters and their stories will take me.

What are you working on right now?

In between plotting the sequel to Wind and Fire, I’m in the middle of writing a fantasy, drama, origin story based on the life and tragic death of my heroines mother.

Why did you choose to write in your particular genre?

I love reading and make an e ort of sitting down with a good book whenever I can. Having said that I’m a very picky reader and after not being able to finish far too many fantasy books I decided it was time to write the kind of fantasy I wanted to read.

How do you feel about ebooks vs print books and indie vs traditional publishing?

I don’t really have a preference when it comes to ebooks and print books. They both have their place and as long as I can get a good read for a reasonable price I’m happy. I’ve published my book independently and I’m proud to be part of the indie moment. I’m a writer, author and blogger but I’m also an entrepreneur and indie publishing helps me achieve this. I’m a massive supporter of creative freedom and there’s no better way to express this freedom than by going indie and doing everything my way.

What real life inspirations do you draw from for the world building within your book?

It’s all about the ‘what if’ question for me and the Fourborn world is inspired by history, earth science and human evolution. I’ve taken many of my ideas from past and existing cultures and races along with real world geographical locations and current a airs.

What technology do you use for writing?

I use Ubuntu and Scrivener for Linux as my preferred technologies and I write using a desktop computer and dual screens.

Is there a message in your novel that you hope readers with grasp?

I hope they grasp the importance of cultural and ethnic diversity and the fact that the human race is so much stronger when we forget about the prejudices and stereotypes of society.

How important are names in your books?

I take the task of naming my characters very seriously. Not only do they need to sound right and t the characters personality but they need to contribute to the overall feel of the story. I’ve also made a conscious e ort in making all the names of my characters easy to pronounce and remember. I nd there’s nothing worse than reading a book where I keep mixing up characters or forgetting who a character is altogether.

What advice do you have for aspiring authors?

Write and read something new every day and don’t give up no matter what!

About Megan Futcher and Fourborn Wind and Fire

Megan Futcher is the author of fantasy series Fourborn. Megan loves asking the ‘what if’ question as she creates characters and worlds around the evolution of the human race. An epic adventure, Wind and Fire is the first book in the Fourborn series which explores the beauty and strength of multiculturalism with a fantasy twist.

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