Love is the main hero of this novel which is about, among other things, love, loss, life, death, the lines between truth and fiction, beauty, and art. Reviewed by Magdalena Ball “In the front lobby, carved into a stone wall,…
An Interview with Amy Houts, Author of Cooking Around the Calendar With Kids
An Interview with Amy Houts, Author of Cooking Around the Calendar With Kids Amy Houts talks about her kids cookbook, about the educational value of cooking with kids, her newsletter Preschooler in the Kitchen, writing non-fiction, children’s books, the Culinary…
Learning in the Kitchen: A Review of Cooking Around The Calendar with Kids by Amy Houts
Learning in the Kitchen: A Review of Cooking Around The Calendar with Kids by Amy Houts If you are homeschooling, this book is a fantastic resource which will provide a wealth of learning ideas. Even if you aren’t homeschooling, cooking…
Slow, Spare and Painful: Don DeLillo’s The Body Artist
Beyond the simple tale of Lauren Hartke and her grief, DeLillo’s short novel provides the reader with a mirror, showing us how flimsy our self-assurances of solidity, how delicate our mind and bodies, how easily undone and yet how beautiful…
A review of Lily Brett’s New York
Lily Brett’s New York is a lighthearted, easy to read book which looks at life in New York from the perspective of an Australian who has been living in Manhatten for over ten years.
An Interview with Lily Brett
Lily Brett talks about her book New York, the Big Apple itself, on the cult of busyness, on what it means to be an Australian writer, on being Jewish, her next book, and more.
A review of Julian Barnes’ Love, Etc
The book is an easy read, and appears to be a simple, light story of love and betrayal, but on closer reading and reflection, it is much more sinister, where the truth shifts, meaning distorts and ultimately the reader’s own sense of meaning is challenged in a very Pinteresque, post-modern way. The main characters are unreliable, with Stuart and Oliver showing their insecurities and failings and Gillian changing her story quite dramatically at times. Are the characters grappling with love, or is it hatred; desire for closeness, warmth and meaning, or just power?
Interview with Angela Adair-Hoy, author of How to Write, Publish & $ell E-books
Adair-Hoy is one of the most well known on-line author/publishers. Here she talks to The Compulsive Reader about her book, her publishing company, the future of e-books, about POD, writing with young children, poetry, and her work in progress.
A Review of A Writers Book of Days by Judy Reeves
By the end of the first month, it would be a rare writer who wasn’t writing more, even if they don’t decide to specifically do the writing exercises. There are simply so many ideas, so much encouragement, and so much that is evocative and challenging in A Writer’s Book of Days. Sensitive, informative, practical, and fun to read, this is a book to take with you; a portable and inexpensive writing class, and continual source of inspiration.
A review of Salman Rushdie’s The Moor’s Last Sigh
Salman Rushdie’s The Moor’s Last Sigh is a heady, sensual, wordy, moving, funny, wonderful book. It does for the English language what Joyce’s Ulysses did over a century ago, expanding our vocabulary and consequently our ability to perceive and describe the world and ourselves.