A review of Tender Buttons by Gertrude Stein

I’ve always found the term ‘experimental literature’ to be unsatisfactory, since it begs so many questions. For a start, what hypothesis is being tested? Then again, how would you know that the experiment – if such it is – has been successful? Only if the hypothesis has been confirmed? Yet what if the experiment had done its job, by providing a rigorous trial?

An interview with Eric Maisel

The author of Mastering Creative Anxiety talks about his latest book, about why creating produces so much anxiety, his best tips for either avoiding, or managing anxiety, how to ‘get a grip on your mind’, the relationship between making meaning and anxiety, and lots more.

A review of Mastering Creative Anxiety by Eric Maisel

If you’re an artist–an author, a painter, a musician or an actor–who has chosen to live a creative life, you can’t avoid anxiety. It’s part of the process, inherent in the work you do. Coming to grips with that anxiety can be the difference between working and not working, which can be the difference between a fulfilled life that has meaning and one that is unsatisfying and meaningless.

A review of FireSong by Aaron Paul Lazar

The story of the Underground Railroad is also compelling and Lazar handles the history beautifully, deftly weaving it into the story, and allowing the reader to discover and enjoy each piece of information along with Gus and Camille. Managing a delicate balance between action and reflection, Lazar’s latest book FireSong is a delightfully satisfying read full of warmth, humour and drama.