A review of The Shadow Year by Hannah Richell

It is in this setting that the dual tragedies unfold as each character faces the practical, ethical and moral dilemmas they have inherited from the past. She builds up tension by releasing the story in carefully crafted chapters told from two different perspectives of the events which happen in the two different periods of time.

Earthy Pleasure Beyond Conflict and Poverty: Cedric Watson and Corey Ledet’s Goin’ Down to Louisiana

The divergent rhythms in “Ma Negresse” give the composition its complexity and charm, whereas “Black Snake,” with drumming by Brad Frank, has a country blues feel.  Watson’s fiddle is the dominant force in the old-fashion country dance song “Calinda.”  The tempo is fast and sends “Madame Faielle” reeling with a lot of energy; and although the song has some lyrics, it is mostly instrumental. 

Loss and Sorrow in the Words of Soldiers: David T. Little, Soldier Songs

Soldier Songs begins and ends with gong-like sounds, which could be large mortar explosions.  There are quotes from soldiers about the life-or-death circumstances of war as killing; and making oneself available to die upon orders; and the (usually forbidden) permission to kill.  An experimental classical sound supports the ordinary conversation of the soldiers’ testimonies: piano, drone, and pulsing rhythm accompany the voices.