A Review of The Silent Wife By A.S.A. Harrison

The Silent Wife is not a long book—a little over 200 pages—but Harrison manages to fit a gripping tale into those few pages. The story is told almost entirely in present tense, so it gives the reader an almost unsettling feeling of voyeurism—we’re absolutely watching these characters self-destruct in real time. There is some backstory offered as a way to explain how Todd and Jodi were shaped by their families (clearly dysfunctional in Todd’s case; less obvious in Jodi’s).

Interview with Scott Erickson

The author of The Diary of Amy, the 14-Year-Old Girl Who Saved the Earth talks about his book and why he wrote it, about his audience, the state of the world, why he writes satire, his models, why he loves Dr Strangelove, why he chose to use a diary format, and lots more.

A review of Bristol House by Beverly Swerling

Bristol House is as unique a literary mystery as one is ever likely to read. Swerling makes some interesting choices with her narrative. At first impression, Annie Kendall strikes the reader as a brilliant, competent researcher whose personal transgressions have cost her, deeply, on a professional level. There are moments in the story where her carefully reconstructed self—the self rebuilt from countless AA meetings and confronting her deepest fears and strongest weaknesses—nearly shatter and the former, scarred Annie threaten to reemerge.

Interview with Paul Collins

The author of The Maximus Black Files Trilogy talks about the Australian publishing industry, his most recent books, the differences between writing for adults and young adults, the importance of humour, on motivating kids to read, his work-in-progress, his inspiration, and lots more.

A review of A Pride of Lions by Mark Iles

A Pride of Lions is a fast paced sci-fi action story full of futuristic scenerios, great spacy fights, good guys vs bad guys, pirates, and even a touch of romance. This is a book that will appeal to any reluctant reader or staunch television watcher looking for for a fast, easy and satisfying plot driven story. Readers looking for more than light relief won’t be disappointed either. Selena is well-drawn, with a strong character arc, and enough tragic back story so that the reader instantly likes and sympathsises with her.