Category: Author interviews

A Conversation with Elizabeth Gilbert

The author of The Signature of All Things talks about her return to the novel, about shifting genre gears, about the impact of popularity and notions of success, the book’s epigraph, on achieving authenticity, her characters, on the spiritual aspects of her book, and lots more.

An Interview with Mike Martin

martinThe author of Beneath the Surface talks about his background, how he began writing, his style, his writing mentors, all about his latest novel, his covers, his challenges, and more.

Interview with Joan Heartwell

The author of Hamster Island talks about her upcoming memoir, the major difficulties she had to overcome to write Hamster Island, her experiences growing up, on memoir and catharsis, major themes, on living with handicapped siblings, her book’s structure, and lots more.

An Interview with Deborah Doucette

The author of The Forgotten Roses talks about her plot, her themes, her characters, her approach to characterisation, how she began writing, her greatest challenges, her writing process, her research, her influences, what’s on her night stand, and lots more.

An Interview with Francesca Salerno

The author of The Pakistan Conspiracy talks about herself and her new book, how she began writing, her inspiration and influences, what’s on her night table, her book covers, her challenges and more.

An Interview with Lisa Scottoline

The author of Keep Quiet talks about her latest novel, her ‘choices’ theme, her favourite character, her writing rituals, her schedule, advice for other writers, and lots more.

A conversation with Heather Brittain Bergstrom

The author of Steal the North talks about the different challenges/benefits two writing short stories vs novels, her settings, the intersection of the personal and fiction, the meaning of her title, spirituality, her themes, her characters, her work-in-progress, and lots more.

Interview with Tim Smith

The author of Warning Shot talks about his novel, how he became a writer, his style, his themes, his challenges, his writing process, his characters, his mentors, his new project, and lots more.