
Interview with Gail Sedorkin

 The Author of Interviewing: A Guide for Journalists and Writers talks about the different types of interviewing, interviewing heroes, the best interview she ever did, her own horror stories, her next book, and more.

A Review of the film The Mothman Prophecies

“The Mothman Prophecies” has nothing but a mish-mash of imageries, a story that never can quite decide where it’s going, underused actresses, and the irritant Gere himself to it’s credit. All you want after seeing this film, is to write…

A review of the film “In the Bedroom,” (based on the novel by Andre Dubus)

In the Bedroom, based on the novel from Andre Dubus, is a study of a family in Maine, who suffers a horrendous tragedy and the aftermath of it. To say much more would give away too much of the plot. Suffice to say, it’s chock full of everything you’ve come to expect from Miramax, sublime acting, above average writing, and an excellent director at the helm.

A review of Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh

Despite the handicap noted above, I had the delightful experience of having the book “catch” for me on the plane. I don’t know about other readers, but with me this is almost never a gradual process. One minute I am dutifully reading along, wondering if the book at hand is really worth the effort; then all of a sudden I realize that I am immersed in the novel and would not even think of stopping.

A review of 365 Ways to Do Less, Have More, and Feel Good by Pamela Allardice

There are a myriad of self-help books on the market. There are books to help you lose weight, books to help you think more positively; to feel stronger; have better relationships; dress better; use make up better, and anything else you can think of. 365 Ways to Do less, Have More, and Feel Good by Pamela Allardice covers everything, in easily digestible bites – one for each day of the year. Each day corresponds to the calender, making this a good book for New Years resolutions – just resolve to do one good thing for yourself each day of the year.