
Interview with Hal Zina Bennett

Magdalena Ball: Tell me how Write From the Heart came about? Hal Zina Bennett: Over the years of writing my own books, as well as coaching other writers, I became fascinated by the creative process itself, and saw that all successful authors…

A Review of Youth by J.M. Coetzee

. The story is tortuous because it reminds its readers of something that seems to go hand and hand with youth – the desire for glory, for greatness, for artistic achievement and admiration without the tedious work of application. John…

A review of Herb ‘n’ Lorna by Eric Kraft

This shift of chronological focus is similar to that found in Little Follies. There the opening stories carry Peter from toddler to a young boy of almost nine. Time then becomes elastic and – as in this book – turns…

Interview with Thomas A Williams

The author of Poet Power talks about his book, a poet’s duty to publish, about working for free, about “selling” poetry, about the best, and worst poetry readings, writing online, poetry contests, and his next book. Magdalena Ball: What inspired you…

A review of Poet Power by Thomas A Williams

If you are hording your masterpieces in a desk draw, hoping, like Emily Dickenson, to be discovered after your death, you may be doing the world a disservice. If you think that getting your poetry published is an impossible task,…