
A review of Rupetta by Nike Sulway

Steampunk and fantastical elements are in evidence (chronometers, automata, dirigibles, et al.) but don’t intrude unduly. And there are wondrous, moving passages full of lyricism, elegy, wonder and suggestive speculation. Cherish them as you puzzle out Rupetta’s world and its underlying culture and history. This is a strangely enchanting, wholly convincing novel.

A review of The Old American by Ernest Hebert

Caucus-Meteor comes across as a deeply human and interesting person who will win your respect and compassion.  His tribe made Nathan and two other captives run the gauntlet.  An old acquaintance and rival of Caucus-Meteor, Bleached Bones, a gambling man, places bets on Nathan bring deliberately harmed.  Caucus-Meteor accepts the bet.  Working behind the scenes, Caucus-Meteor tries to make the gauntlet easier for Nathan.  He succeeds, and Nathan’s bravery as he ran the gauntlet wins the Indian’s admiration.  They adopt him.

Interview with Roland Hughes

The author of John Smith talks about his new book, his upcoming work, how he began writing, his inspiration, on being a writer, advice for other writers, and lots more.

A review of My Chess by Hans Ree

One sentence struck me.  He writes of Euwe that, despite his solid establishment status, he preferred to mingle with bohemians rather than ‘respectable plodders’.  It struck me because that’s a strand or a subtext running through many of the essays: in the Netherlands, uniquely perhaps, chess is an arena where the bourgeois and bohemian worlds meet.

We have a copy of Mastermind: How to Think Like Sherlock Holmes by Maria Konnikova to giveaway. To win, just sign up for our Free Newsletter.

The winner will be drawn on the first of February 2014 from subscribers who enter via the newsletter. Good luck!

A review of The Flash Gordon Serials, 1936-1940 A Heavily Illustrated Guide By Roy Kinnard

The Flash Gordon Serials, 1936-1940Flash Gordon rocketed onto the movie screen in 1936, in a serial of the same name which ran for 13 episodes. He appeared in two further movie serials – a now defunct format, killed off by television – in Flash Gordon’s Trip to Mars (1938) and Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe (1940), the latter title indicative perhaps of America’s new-found confidence as an emerging superpower.  Most of us who went to Saturday Matinees as a child, to a Rialto or a local Odeon, will have seen some of these episodes, along with (say) a Laurel and Hardy short, a Disney film or a George Formby feature. 

A review of Five Plays by Anton Chekhov translated by Marina Brodskaya

Five Plays by Chekhov What can one fruitfully add to the title, a title which accurately and ably, without undue fuss or bother, describes the book’s contents? Well, first one can expand upon it slightly.  The plays in question areIvanovThe SeagullUncle VanyaThree Sisters and The Cherry Orchard.  So, all are what one can call Chekhov’s mature theatrical works.