A review of Somebody to Love by Parker Longwood

Reviewed by Ginger Robinson

Somebody to Love
by Parker Longwood
Paperback: 228 pages, July 15, 2009, ISBN-13: 978-0882190426

The sixties were a time known for free love, open minds and fighting the concept of war. For one young lady it was the time she’d never forget losing her small daughter and not being able to get her back.

In what seems like almost an alternate universe, one day in what seems like a chance moment, fifteen-year-old Clare Cabot discovers that she is adopted. Her discovery leads her to thoughts and feelings she had never experienced before. She does remember a child in her classroom when she was younger that got made fun of when someone revealed that he was adopted. To be adopted somehow means there is something wrong with her.

Parker Longwood, in very chrstalline and real moments conveys Claire’s parents ineptitude in giving her any honest glimpse into her past. This book craftily drifts back and froth from Claire’s birth mother’s past to Claire’s present so as the reader you already know and are absolutely shocked by Claire’s parents’ blatant lies.

The style of this book leads the reader into what could easily be a true story. It is not a happily ever after story, but is one with strength and resolution. Claire was told by her parents that it was best to leave well enough alone than to search for her birth mother. I don’t agree with that selfish concept and I don’t believe the writer does either. There is a disconnect for Claire with all of the unanswered questions in her life and her parents don’t understand that.

Parker Longwood shows skill throughout this complete tale. Claire’s anxiety can be felt with her search and her devastation. Disappointment and anger with her parents burns like a fire in your own heart and you have no problem relating to the sadness. Her search is intense and expensive. It was very sad that she didn’t have anyone to endure her journey with her.

Although Somebody to Love clearly tells Claire’s present and her mother’s past, it would be difficult as the reader, for me to even scratch at her mother’s past without ruining this vibrant tale for everyone. What can be said though is that selfishness was rampant in the past and present. Claire’s mother was full of teenage selfishness that hurt her loved ones. Claire’s parents were full of selfishness that kept them from aiding their child in her undertaking.

The writer took this story and gave it body – breathed life into it. The questions weren’t left unanswered and I personally was proud of Claire for her bravery and belief that to find her roots – her story was important. Longwood shows that clearly. She tells Claire’s story beautifully.

Somebody to Love is fabulous writing with no disappointments other than in life itself and that too is great writing. You are with Claire and her mother until the end of the book and help but see the possibilities of something more.

About the reviewer: Ginger Robinson writes and lives in Texas with her husband and children. She loves to read, write and be published.