A review of The Wedding Date

There is humor in how easily others accept the lead characters pretense of being a couple, in how easily people are fooled. However, as the film’s wedding festivities occur, various painful and sordid secrets are revealed regarding Messing’s character’s family and friends, and the fraudulently attached couple become genuinely involved with each other.

A review of In Good Company

In Good Company is not innovative in style or theme, but it is germane to how we live now. Films are fantasies that require of us money, time, and belief, and sometimes in those fantasies are glimpses of what is real.

A review of Being Julia

Somehow, the film came alive for me once Julia’s affair with the young man becomes more unstable, especially when we see how her offstage tears do not always mean vulnerability but are sometimes just for effect. Her response to what threatens her onstage and off is what made the film fun.

A review of Meet the Fockers

Surprisingly, it is Ben Stiller, who so wanted Hoffman and Streisand in the film, who does not convey enough love for his parents—and that is because he does not convey enough feeling of any kind in the film. I found…

A review of Schultze Gets the Blues

Schultze Gets the Blues arrives on these shores virtually unannounced; and so the pleasure one gets from it is unexpected and one is quietly grateful. Its comedy is born of the quotidian details of life, eccentric personality, sudden surges of genuine feeling, friendship, bemusement, unfamiliarity with strange customs, and the dramatized observation that sometimes things do fall well into place.